Richard Zhuang


hz542 at

Department of Atmospheric and Climate Science
University of Washington

Google Scholar

Hi there!

My name is Haoyu (Richard) Zhuang, a second-year graduate student studying tropical weather at the University of Washington under the advisory of Shuyi Chen.

I am broadly interested in tropical weather and climate, weather-climate continuum, and machine learning.

I am currently working on the multiscale variability of the Atlantic ITCZ.


  • Ph.D. Student at the University of Washington, 2023 - current
    Department of Atmospheric and Climate Science
    Advisor: Shuyi Chen

  • B.S. at Cornell University, 2019 - 2023
    Double major in Atmospheric Science and Information Science
    Advisors: Arthur DeGaetano, Flavio Lehner


  1. Zhuang, H., F. Lehner, and A. T. DeGaetano, 2024: Improved Diagnosis of Precipitation Type with LightGBM Machine Learning. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 63, 437–453,
  2. Zhuang, H., A. T. DeGaetano, and F. Lehner, 2024: Internal Variability Obscures Future Freezing Rain Changes Despite Clear Temperature Trend, under review at Geophysical Research Letters


  1. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2023 Dec, "Improved Prediction of Precipitation Type With Random Forest", eLightning.